Refund policy


As a heads up, we can't refund:

  • • Gift cards bought from a store. It’s best to return them to the store.
  • • Payments made through a business partner. You can contact them for refund requests (see their details on your account page, under Your plan).

If you don’t want a paid plan anymore, you can cancel any time and keep what you paid for. Your plan will continue until your next payment is due.


You may purchase a Paid Subscription directly from Edverse or through a third party either by:

  • • Paying a subscription fee plus applicable taxes in advance on a monthly basis or some other recurring interval disclosed to you prior to your purchase; or
  • • Pre-payment giving you access to the Edverse Service for a specific time period ("Pre-Paid Period").

Tax rates are calculated based on the information you provide and the applicable rate at the time of your monthly charge.

If you purchase access to a Paid Subscription through a third party, separate terms and conditions with such third party may apply to your use of the Edverse Service in addition to these Terms. Please contact the third party regarding any refunds or to manage your subscription. If you purchase a Paid Subscription using a code, gift card, pre-paid offer, or other offer provided or sold by or on behalf of Edverse for access to a Paid Subscription ("Codes"), you hereby agree to the Edverse Card Terms.

Price and tax changes

Edverse may from time to time make changes to Paid Subscriptions, including recurring subscription fees, the Pre-Paid Period (for periods not yet paid), or Codes, and will communicate any price changes to you in advance. Price changes will take effect at the start of the next subscription period following the date of the price change and, by continuing to use the Edverse Service after the price change takes effect, you will have accepted the new price. If you do not agree to a price change, you can reject the change by unsubscribing from the applicable Paid Subscription prior to the price change going into effect.

Tax rates are based on the rates applicable at the time of your monthly charge. These amounts can change over time with local tax requirements in your country, state, territory, county, or city. Any change in tax rate will be automatically applied based on the account information you provide.

Renewal and Cancellation

With the exception of Paid Subscriptions for a Pre-Paid Period, your payment to Edverse or the third party through which you purchased the Paid Subscription will automatically renew at the end of the applicable subscription period, unless you cancel your Paid Subscription before the end of the then-current subscription period. Contact us at [email protected] for instructions on how to cancel. The cancellation will take effect the day after the last day of the current subscription period, and you will be downgraded to the free version of the Edverse Service. We do not provide refunds or credits for any partial subscription periods, except as expressly stated in these Terms.

If you have purchased a Paid Subscription using a Code, your subscription will automatically terminate at the end of the period stated with your Code, or when there is an insufficient pre-paid balance to pay for the Edverse Service.